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Horse Arena Grading and Leveling

frank santoro and sons, horse arena grading

New Arena Design and Construction

We will “boxout” your indoor or outdoor horse arena during construction. This results in the removal of at least 6″ of soil in order to add a compacted aggregate base.  A geotextile fabric will be added over the aggregate, and then topped with a 2″-3″ compacted stone dust layer.  This will keep larger stones from working up into the top footing layer.  The top footing layer will consist of “5/16ths minus” sand.  In addition, drainage will be added around the perimeter of the arena to collect and move water away from the center of the arena.



Horse Arena Grading and Maintenance

Frank Santoro & Sons specializes in horse arena grading and leveling.  If your existing arena has low spots or shows a diminished footing layer, we’ll add more sand, grade and level. We’ll create a slight crown toward the center of the arena to allow drainage to the outer perimeter of the horse arena. As a result, you’ll help keep your horses, riders and trainers safe by maintaining a quality horse arena surface.  Give us a call for an estimate.